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    2022Cheng-Hau Peng; Hong Hwang; Kuo-Feng Kao, Is price undertaking a more friendly protection policy than an anti-dumping duty?, , World Economy 46(1), p.120-134, , pp
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    2022Chiung-Ting Chang; Ming-Feng Hung, Mind the gap: Analyzing factors associated with consumers' single-use product reduction, , Sustainable Production and Consumption 36, p.75-87, , pp
    2022Juin-Jen Chang; Jhy-Hwa Chen; Ming-Fang Tsai, Corporate social responsibility, social optimum, and the environment-growth tradeoff, , Resource and Energy Economics 69, , pp
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    2021Claire Y. C. Liang; Pei-Chien Lin, Financial integration and the comparative advantage of exports, , The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 31(8), p.1127-1148, , pp
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    2020劉家樺, 父母的性別偏好對國中子女升學和高中職主修領域選擇的影響-以「台灣青少年計畫」樣本為例, , 經濟論文 49(2), p.163-200, , pp